Package: tptp Description: Thousands of Problems for Theorem Provers Homepage: Version: 6.1.0 Revision: 2 License: OSI-Approved Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(64cf33d159869475901a8b9460d52419b3cd1926eb76aa7b4cc1409cfa049714) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 4e89c91c321e5ff651f4a3687afeaec9 PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1 DescDetail: << The TPTP (Thousands of Problems for Theorem Provers) Problem Library is a library of test problems for automated theorem proving (ATP) systems. The TPTP supplies the ATP community with: * A comprehensive library of the ATP test problems that are available today, in order to provide an overview and a simple, unambiguous reference mechanism. * A comprehensive list of references and other interesting information for each problem. * New generalized variants of problems whose original presentation is hand-tailored towards a particular automated proof. * Arbitrary size instances of generic problems (e.g., the N-queens problem). * A utility to convert the problems to existing ATP formats. Currently the Bliksem, CARINE, Dedam, DFG, DIMACS, FINDER, KIF, Otter, PROTEIN, Prover9, PTTP, Satchmo, SCOTT, SEM, SETHEO, THINKER, Waldmeister formats are supported, and other formats can be easily produced. * General guidelines outlining the requirements for ATP system evaluation. The principal motivation for the TPTP is to support the testing and evaluation of ATP systems, to help ensure that performance results accurately reflect the capabilities of the ATP system being considered. A common library of problems is necessary for meaningful system evaluations, meaningful system comparisons, repeatability of testing, and the production of statistically significant results. The TPTP is such a library. << Maintainer: Jesse Alama CompileScript: << << InstallScript: << # TPTP2X mkdir -p %i/share/tptp/TPTP2X find TPTP2X -type f -name 'format.*' -exec install -m 644 {} %i/share/tptp/TPTP2X ';' find TPTP2X -type f -name 'tptp2X.*' -exec install -m 644 {} %i/share/tptp/TPTP2X ';' find TPTP2X -type f -name 'transform.*' -exec install -m 644 {} %i/share/tptp/TPTP2X ';' find TPTP2X -type f -name 'tptp2X.*' -exec install -m 644 {} %i/share/tptp/TPTP2X ';' mkdir -p %i/bin install -m 755 TPTP2X/tptp2X %i/bin # scripts and generators mkdir -p %i/bin install -m 755 Scripts/tptp2T %i/bin mkdir -p %i/lib/tptp find Generators -type f -exec install -m 644 {} %i/lib/tptp ';' # axioms and problems mkdir -p %i/share/tptp cp -R Axioms %i/share/tptp cp -R Problems %i/share/tptp # documentation mkdir -p %i/share/doc/tptp cp -R Documents/* %i/share/doc/tptp << RuntimeVars: << TPTP: %p/share/tptp << Depends: tptp2x, tptp-axioms, tptp-problems Recommends: tptp2x SplitOff: << Package: tptp2x Description: Transform TPTP files into other formats Recommends: tptp Depends: swi-prolog, gawk Files: << bin/tptp2x share/tptp/TPTP2X/* << DocFiles: TPTP2X/ReadMe << SplitOff2: << Package: tptp-generators Description: Generate theorem proving problems Recommends: swi-prolog Files: << lib/tptp/*.g << << SplitOff3: << Package: tptp-axioms Description: Axioms for the TPTP Problem Library Files: share/tptp/Axioms Suggests: tptp-problems << SplitOff4: << Package: tptp-problems Description: The TPTP Problem Library Depends: tptp-axioms Files: share/tptp/Problems <<