Package: usf Version: 1.0 Revision: 7 Maintainer: W. G. Scott DescDetail: << Uppsala Software Factory Software and Resources for Macromolecular Crystallography and Structural Biology << Description: Uppsala Crystallography software License: Public Domain GCC:4.0 Depends: gcc11-shlibs, libccp4-shlibs (>= 6.4.0-5) BuildDepends: gcc11 HomePage: Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(dd59640fb154d4157b814554dff68d6515cb1a417ed16794dc4f310dc92e95d4) SourceDirectory: usf_export PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 3481694cb83d552ef44c4d19027b3cb7 DescPackaging: << The USF program suite is no longer maintained or supported, but the source code is being made available along with a build system for Linux and OS X on Intel Macs. The programs build against the latest available CCP4 libraries. One fortran program, pckrho.f, failed to build, so it was converted to pckrho.c and now compiles and links. This is done manually first. << PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1 CompileScript: << #!/bin/bash -evf cd gklib rm -f rm pckrho.f gcc -c -g -DOSX -m64 pckrho.c f2c.h cd .. ./make_all.csh -64 << InstallScript: << #!/bin/bash -evf mkdir -p %i/bin cd bin cp aconio %i/bin/. cp ave %i/bin/. cp cello %i/bin/. cp coma %i/bin/. cp comap %i/bin/. cp comdem %i/bin/. cp crave %i/bin/. cp dataman %i/bin/. cp essens %i/bin/. cp findncs %i/bin/. cp flood %i/bin/. cp imp %i/bin/. cp lsqman %i/bin/. cp mama %i/bin/. cp mapfix %i/bin/. cp mapman %i/bin/. cp mappage %i/bin/. cp mave %i/bin/. cp moleman %i/bin/. cp moleman2 %i/bin/. cp ncs6d %i/bin/. cp o2d %i/bin/. cp odbman %i/bin/. cp oops %i/bin/. cp oops2 %i/bin/. cp prof %i/bin/. cp seaman %i/bin/. cp site2rt %i/bin/. cp sod %i/bin/. cp solex %i/bin/. cp spancsi %i/bin/. cp ssencs %i/bin/. cp voidoo %i/bin/. cp xpand %i/bin/. cp xplo2d %i/bin/. <<