Package: audacious2 # keep %v linked to audacious2-plugins # v2.3 loses libSAD # v2.5 loses libaudid3tag # v3.3 requires GTK+3 NEWGLIB24 Version: 2.2 Revision: 5 Description: Advanced audio player DescDetail: << Audacious is an advanced audio player. It is free, lightweight, based on GTK2, runs on Linux and many other *nix platforms and is focused on audio quality and supporting a wide range of audio codecs. Its advanced audio playback engine is considerably more powerful than GStreamer. Audacious is a fork of Beep Media Player (BMP), which itself forked from XMMS. << DescUsage: << audacious2-plugins must be installed for audacious2 to run properly. Unfortunately, this seems pretty crashy right now. Oh well. << DescPackaging: << audacious2-plugins Depends/BuildDepends on audacious2-shlibs/audacious2-dev but the audacious2 binary requires audacious2-plugins to run. So we Recommend audacious2-plugins to avoid a circular dependency. Formerly maintained by Daniel Johnson << Homepage: License: GPL3 Maintainer: None Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(f15af7a90085e7be86f7f876a8e74a5ba03385880a165c4b2033944219213bea) PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev echo 'LIBS += ${GLIB_LIBS}' >>src/libSAD/Makefile echo 'LIBS += ../libaudcore/libaudcore.dylib' >>src/libid3tag/Makefile echo 'LIBS += ../libaudcore/libaudcore.dylib' >>src/libaudtag/Makefile echo 'LDFLAGS += -undefined dynamic_lookup' >>src/libaudgui/Makefile # fix C linkages of declarations # I'm guessing all these multiply defined variables are meant # to be shared global variables... file=src/libaudtag/tag_module.h && mv $file $file.orig sed -e '/mowgli_list_t tag_modules;/s|^|extern |' \ -e '/int number_of_modules;/s|^|extern |' \ $file.orig > $file file=src/libaudtag/id3/id3.h && mv $file $file.orig sed -e '/mowgli_dictionary_t \*frames/s|^|extern |' \ -e '/mowgli_list_t \*frameIDs/s|^|extern |' \ $file.orig > $file file=src/libaudtag/ape/ape.h && mv $file $file.orig sed -e '/mowgli_dictionary_t \*tagItems/s|^|extern |' \ -e '/mowgli_list_t \*tagKeys/s|^|extern |' \ -e '/guint32 headerPosition/s|^|extern |' \ $file.orig > $file file=src/libaudtag/aac/aac.h && mv $file $file.orig sed -e '/Atom \*ilstAtom/s|^|extern |' \ -e '/guint64 ilstFileOffset/s|^|extern |' \ -e '/guint32 newilstSize/s|^|extern |' \ -e '/mowgli_list_t \*dataAtoms/s|^|extern |' \ -e '/mowgli_dictionary_t \*ilstAtoms/s|^|extern |' \ $file.orig > $file # define global variables # assuming that pointers and POD types are NULL/0 initialized... file=src/libaudtag/tag_module.c && cp $file $file.orig echo "mowgli_list_t tag_modules;" >> $file echo "int number_of_modules = 0;" >> $file file=src/libaudtag/id3/id3.c && cp $file $file.orig echo "mowgli_dictionary_t *frames = NULL;" >> $file echo "mowgli_list_t *frameIDs = NULL;" >> $file file=src/libaudtag/ape/ape.c && cp $file $file.orig echo "mowgli_dictionary_t *tagItems = NULL;" >> $file echo "mowgli_list_t *tagKeys = NULL;" >> $file echo "guint32 headerPosition = 0;" >> $file file=src/libaudtag/aac/aac.c && cp $file $file.orig echo "Atom *ilstAtom = NULL;" >> $file echo "guint64 ilstFileOffset = 0;" >> $file echo "guint32 newilstSize = 0;" >> $file echo "mowgli_list_t *dataAtoms = NULL;" >> $file echo "mowgli_dictionary_t *ilstAtoms = NULL;" >> $file << Depends: << %n-shlibs (= %v-%r), atk1-shlibs, cairo-shlibs, dbus, dbus1.3-shlibs, dbus-glib1.2-shlibs, desktop-file-utils, fontconfig2-shlibs, freetype219-shlibs, glib2-shlibs, gtk+2-shlibs, libgettext8-shlibs, libiconv, libmcs-shlibs, libmowgli-shlibs, libsamplerate0-shlibs, pango1-xft2-ft219-shlibs, libpcre1-shlibs, x11-shlibs << BuildDepends: << atk1, cairo, dbus1.3-dev, dbus-glib1.2-dev, fontconfig2-dev, freetype219, gettext-tools, glib2-dev, gtk+2-dev, libgettext8-dev, libiconv-dev, libmcs, libmowgli, libsamplerate0-dev, libxml2, pango1-xft2-ft219-dev, libpcre1, pkgconfig, x11-dev << BuildConflicts: make Recommends: audacious2-plugins Conflicts: audacious3 Replaces: audacious3 ConfigureParams: --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-samplerate --with-regexlib=pcre --disable-rpath CompileScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev let version=`uname -r | cut -f 1 -d .` if [ $version -ge 12 ]; then export LIBS="$LIBS -L/opt/X11/lib -lICE" fi ./configure %c make LIB_LDFLAGS='-dynamiclib -install_name ${libdir}/${LIB:.dylib=.${LIB_MAJOR}.dylib} -current_version ${LIB_MAJOR}.${LIB_MINOR} -compatibility_version ${LIB_MAJOR}.0' LIB_CFLAGS='-fPIC -fno-common' << InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING NEWS README doc/HACKING doc/NEW_FORMATS doc/TODO PostInstScript: << . %p/bin/ [ -x %p/bin/update-desktop-database ] && update-desktop-database -q %p/share/applications || : << PostRmScript: << . %p/bin/ [ -x %p/bin/update-desktop-database ] && update-desktop-database -q %p/share/applications || : << SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Depends: << dbus1.3-shlibs, glib2-shlibs, libgettext8-shlibs, libmowgli-shlibs << Files: lib/lib*.*.dylib Shlibs: << %p/lib/libaudclient.2.dylib 2.0.0 %n (>= 2.2-1) %p/lib/libaudcore.1.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 2.2-1) %p/lib/libaudgui.1.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 2.2-1) %p/lib/libaudid3tag.2.dylib 2.0.0 %n (>= 2.2-1) %p/lib/libaudtag.1.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 2.2-1) %p/lib/libSAD.2.dylib 2.0.0 %n (>= 2.2-1) << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING NEWS README << SplitOff2: << Package: %N-dev Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) BuildDependsOnly: true Conflicts: audacious3-dev Replaces: audacious3-dev Files: include lib DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING NEWS README <<