Info2: << Package: bibus Version: 1.5.2 Revision: 1 Description: Bibliographic database Type: python (2.7) License: GPL # Free to update and take over. Maintainer: Hanspeter Niederstrasser Depends: << sqlite3-shlibs, python%type_pkg[python], wxgtk2.8-py%type_pkg[python] << BuildDepends: dos2unix Suggests: << mysql-python-py%type_pkg[python] << Source: mirror:sourceforge:bibus-biblio/bibus-biblio/bibus_%v.orig.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(c6c66d6bdce403b7791bf58cc16eeaae9f0e9d1c3f0ba8411f9f3e694d740f02) SourceDirectory: %n-%v PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 0ee7c962000a981b7b66047c3e0d6a2c PatchScript: << # these files have DOS line endings. dos2unix Utilities/ Data/ # Removing height/width CSS attributes from HTML docs from Debian # to avoid badly stretched images. sed 's|@FINK_PREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1 << CompileScript: << echo "Nothing to compile" << InstallScript: << # BSD install doesn't make the directories it needs, # and I don't want to need coreutils-default mkdir -p %i/share/bibus/{Export,Format/{Author/{Author,Joining},Citation/Author/{Author,Joining},Booktitle,Editor/{Editor,Joining},Journal,Month,Pages,Styles,Title,Year},Import,StyleEditor,FirstStart,bibOOo,db_models,Pixmaps,Data,LyX,Utilities,Setup} mkdir -p %i/share/locale/{cn,cs,de,es,fr,hu,pt,pt_BR,ru,sl,zh_cn}/LC_MESSAGES mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1 mkdir -p %i/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps %i/share/applications mkdir -p %i/share/doc/bibus/html/en/{bibMSW_files,setup} mkdir -p %i/etc %i/bin # actually do the install make DESTDIR=%i # remove %i from files installed perl -pi -e 's|%d||g' %i/share/bibus/bibus.cfg ln -sf %p/share/bibus/ %i/bin/bibus << DocFiles: Docs/README.txt Docs/copying ConfFiles: %p/etc/bibus.config %p/share/bibus/bibus.cfg Homepage: DescDetail: << Bibus is a bibliographic database which has been developed with LibreOffice/ in mind. It can directly insert citations and format the bibliographic index in an open Writer document. The main features are * hierarchical organization of the references with user-defined keys * designed for multiuser-environments (share databases between users) * a search engine supporting live queries * on-line PubMed access * import of PubMed (Medline), EndNote/Refer, RIS and BibTeX records. Bibus will use an SQLite-database by default for storage. But it also supports MySQL-databases. << DescPackaging: << * Make sure we're using Fink's python throughout. * Remove width/height attributes in tags to avoid badly stretched images. * Don't force use of coreutils-default 'install' * Don't compile .py files since they store %i paths. << <<