Package: ispell-portuguese Version: 20220621 Revision: 2 Depends: ispell (>= 3.4.06-1) Description: Portuguese ispell dictionary DescDetail: << This is the Portuguese dictionary for use with ispell. << Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(1e0401824966f8c6a8e4cc0856391ce06ef9cbfcd175a5d4336a41db83a95c35) CompileScript: make InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ex ISPELLLIB=`ispell -vv | grep 'LIBDIR' | sed -e 's/.*"\(.*\)"/\1/'` mkdir -p %d$ISPELLLIB cp portugues.hash portugues.aff %d$ISPELLLIB ln -s portugues.hash %d$ISPELLLIB/pt_PT.hash ln -s portugues.hash %d$ISPELLLIB/pt.hash ln -s portugues.hash %d$ISPELLLIB/port.hash << DocFiles: COPYING DescPort: << Thanks to Rodrigo Ventura for the URLs. Installing is done by hand, because "make install" doesn't know about %i vs %p. << License: GPL Homepage: DescPackaging: << Former maintainer: Martin Costabel << Maintainer: None