Package: hexcurse Version: 1.60.0 Revision: 1 Source: SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(f6919e4a824ee354f003f0c42e4c4cef98a93aa7e3aa449caedd13f9a2db5530) BuildDepends: << fink-package-precedence, libncurses5 << Depends: << ncurses, libncurses5-shlibs << CompileScript: << %{default_script} fink-package-precedence . << InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog LICENSE.txt NEWS README Description: Terminal-based hex editor DescDetail: << Curses-based hex editing utility that can open, edit, and save files, editing both the hexadecimal and decimal values. << DescUsage: << "man hexcurse" for usage notes. << DescPackaging: << The SourceRename forces fink to realize that the tarball name is %n-%v.tar.gz, and use that (with wget) OR with curl, it actually renames the source to %n-%v.tar.gz << License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Ben Hines