Package: app-defaults Version: 20150624 # separate package for xquartz vs older xfree86 paths Revision: 101 Depends: x11 Type: nosource PatchScript: << echo "This public-domain package provides an app-defaults directory for" > README echo "fink, which includes links to the ones supplied by X11 itself." >> README << CompileScript: echo "No compile needed" InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/etc/app-defaults ln -s /opt/X11/share/X11/app-defaults/* %i/etc/app-defaults << DocFiles: README RuntimeVars: XAPPLRESDIR: %p/etc/app-defaults/ License: Public Domain Description: Creates an app defaults directory for fink DescDetail: << Creates an app-defaults directory within the fink tree, links all /etc/X11/app-defaults files into this directory, and sets the environment variable XAPPLRESDIR to point to this directory. Other X11 apps in the fink systems which have app-defaults files referred to via the XAPPLRESDIR environment variable can be made to "depend" on this package; they should install their app-default files in /sw/etc/app-defaults. << Maintainer: Dave Morrison