Package: applesystemfonts Version: 1.1 Revision: 6 Depends: xfontpath, x11, fondu Type: nosource NoSourceDirectory: true PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 951b7b471098ab069181088cf7c73658 PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1 CompileScript: << echo No compilation needed echo echo This package is created on the fly > dummy echo at installation time. >> dummy << InstallScript: << install -d -m 755 %d`%p/bin/xfontpath basedir`/applettf install -d -m 755 %i/bin install -m 755 %i/bin << DocFiles: dummy PostInstScript: << cd `%p/bin/xfontpath basedir`/applettf /usr/bin/find /Library/Fonts /Network/Library/Fonts /System/Library/Fonts /Users/*/Library/Fonts -name \*.dfont -print | while read file do %p/bin/fondu -force "$file" done for file in "Arial" "Arial Black" "Arial Narrow" "Arial Rounded Bold" "Brush Script" \ "Comic Sans MS" "Courier New" "Georgia" "Inkpen2" "Opus" "Verdana" "Webdings" do [ ! -e /Library/Fonts/"$file" ] || %p/bin/fondu -force /Library/Fonts/"$file" done /usr/bin/find /Library/Fonts /Network/Library/Fonts /Users/*/Library/Fonts /System/Library/Fonts -name \*.ttf -print | while read FONTFILE do FONTNAME=`basename "$FONTFILE"` rm -f "$FONTNAME" ln -sf "$FONTFILE" "${FONTNAME//\ /_}" done # remove some notoriously rotten fonts rm -f GujaratiMT.ttf NISC18030.ttf .Keyboard.ttf .LastResort.ttf # Rename Chinese TrueType Font files into Roman letters if exist. %p/bin/ echo "generating fonts.scale" # work around a bug in Apple's X11's mkfontscale, it forgets to close files ulimit -n 1000 mkfontscale echo "generating fonts.dir" mkfontdir %p/bin/xfontpath --silent install applettf echo "All done. You may need to restart X to get antialiased fonts" echo "in some applications." << PreRmScript: << rm -f `%p/bin/xfontpath basedir`/applettf/* %p/bin/xfontpath --silent remove applettf << Description: Make Apple system fonts available to x11 DescDetail: << This package will extract the TrueType fonts from your Apple System and Library directories and make them available to X11R6. Warning: Once installed, this package can get *VERY* large depending on how many fonts you have in your system. TrueType fonts will get symlinked, so they won't take much space, but any dfont files in the /Library or /System/Library directories will get converted to TrueType and copied to your fink tree. << DescPackaging: << This version doesn't package the fonts, it converts them at installation time. There is no licensing question with this approach. Earlier versions by: Benjamin Reed Martin Costabel << License: Public Domain Maintainer: None