Package: x-ghostscript-fonts Version: 20020206 Revision: 3 BuildDepends: x11-dev Depends: x11, xfontpath, ghostscript-fonts (>= 6.0-3) | system-ghostscript Type: nosource CompileScript: echo "No compile needed" InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/doc/x-ghostscript-fonts echo "This public-domain package makes the ghostscript fonts available in X11." >%i/share/doc/x-ghostscript-fonts/README.x-ghostscript-fonts mkdir -p %d`xfontpath basedir`/ghostscript ln -s %p/share/ghostscript/fonts %d`xfontpath basedir`/ghostscript/Type1 << PostInstScript: %p/bin/xfontpath install ghostscript/Type1 PostRmScript: %p/bin/xfontpath remove ghostscript/Type1 Description: Allows X11 to use ghostscript fonts DescDetail: << Installs a symbolic link from ghostscript fonts to the appropriate place, and uses xfontpath to make the fonts available. A procedure along these lines was recommended by the upstream maintainer of xfig. << License: Public Domain Maintainer: Dave Morrison